Remar Nicaragua

Bo. Santa Ana, de la iglesia 25 metros arriba. Managua, Managua 050-008-2
22 Calle Sureste Managua Managua NI


Development of programs aimed at adults and minors so that they can find the solution to the problems they present. Programs of: rehabilitation, protection and care, education, medical assistance, in general REMAR aims to achieve spiritual, physical, mental, and family restoration of people. REMAR is based on Jesus Christ and to develop its work it is based on 4 columns:

EVANGELISM: Restoration of lives through the power of God. “Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16-15.

DISCIPLESHIP: Men and women who serve God. “What you have heard before many witnesses teaches faithful men who are suitable to teach others.”

SOCIAL WORK: Sustaining homes for boys, girls, adolescents, toxic dependents, alcoholics, sick prostitutes, the elderly and anyone with social exclusion. “The pure and undefiled religion is to help and visit the widow and feed the orphans “

ECONOMY OF THE KINGDOM: Creation and strengthening of micro-companies that dedicate 100% to the development of social work and at the same time serve as occupational therapy for inmates. “According to the gift you have received, each minister as good stewards of God’s grace.” 1 Peter 4.10