CICRIN Centro Infantil

Los Angeles, Isla de Ometpe #65 Rivas, Nicaragua
106 West 1st Street Los Angeles California 90012 US

We remain true to our original vision of supporting the neediest children of Nicaragua at CICRIN on OmetepeOmetepe is an isolated island community in a country that is poor and politically and economically isolated. CICRIN exists to provide a children’s center that addresses the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of children of Ometepe and children from other parts of Nicaragua.  Special focus is given to children at risk. This provision is carried out under the context of Biblically based Christian values.  It also includes resources that support participation of short term mission teams.

To carry out our vision, 
We provide housing and food to children that have no other safe living environmental available.
We provide school services for nearly 100 children on Ometepe.
We support graduates who go on to advanced education.
We provide extended daily services to children who need care but can return to their families at night.